School Information | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools

School Information

At Parkside Elementary, we are proud to offer a warm and welcoming environment for our students, staff, parents and visitors. Parkside serves approximately 360 students in grades K- 5, and also houses two district level programs servicing children in the Quest Gifted/Talented Program as well as in special education. In addition to the core curriculum, our specialist teachers provide instruction for vocal music, physical education, and art.  Qualifying students are further supported with Title I instruction. All of our teachers are highly qualified and fully licensed in the areas in which they teach. Parkside rewards positive behaviors to build the social skills of students and create a positive culture. To make sure all of our students feel successful, we follow a program called Parkside CARES:  for ourselves, for others, for our learning, for our school.  Parkside CARES positive behavior expectations address the entire school day - bus, classroom, hallways, bathrooms, playground, and cafeteria.  Our goal is to actively teach positive behavior expectations in each of the settings, and acknowledge students regularly when they follow these expectations. We work together to support each other, learn, and have fun.

Parkside CARES

C = Cooperation
A = Assertion
R = Responsibility
E = Empathy
S = Self-control

Collaborative Art project on wall

Our Parkside school motto is:
Parkside CARES - for ourselves, others, our learning, our school.

School Day Schedule

7:25 am

Students begin arriving at school.

7:45 am

School day begins. Students should be in their classrooms at this time.

2:05 pm

Students who ride shuttle buses are dismissed, and meet in the entryway for a staff member to accompany them to the shuttle buses.

2:15 pm

Shuttle buses leave Parkside.

2:25 pm

All remaining students are dismissed, and classes walk out to buses with their teachers.

FAQs for Parents

Students can enter the building at 7:25 am, and school begins at 7:45 am. There is no supervision available until 7:25 am as teachers are prepping for classes and attending meetings, and students will need to wait outdoors if they arrive prior to 7:25 am. Make sure that your child(ren) dress appropriately for the weather in the event that they need to wait outdoors for several minutes. If your child is a walker, make sure that they are not leaving the house too early to avoid an extended wait time.

*KidKare is available if you need before school child care, so please contact them if you need child care before 7:25 am at 763-682.8787. 

If your child will be late or absent to school for any reason, please call our attendance line at 763.682.8582 and leave a message with your child's name, teacher name and the reason for the absence.  Unreported absences will be considered unexcused. If you are planning a family vacation, please remember to fill out and turn in a vacation form from the office in advance.

See Attendance & School Absences below for additional information.

We want to make sure that all parents have the opportunity to set up their Campus Parent Portal account, as this is where you can apply for free/reduced meal benefits, view bus route information and deposit lunch money.  During the school year you can also view attendance and grades at reporting time.  Please fill out the user form below and return it to the school office to obtain your activation key to register for your account the first time.   

Infinite Campus Parent Portal User Form

*If you have already set up a Campus Portal account, you do not need to do this again, as it only works the first time you register for the Portal.  Please use the log in you created when you set up your account. 

Please email or call your child's teacher directly, and the teacher will respond within a day when school is in session. During the school day the teachers are with students and they have limited time to return calls and emails.



Kid Kare offers school age child care for children age 3 through grade 6, as well as the KinderKids program for children ages 3-5 year of age. Please contact Tiffany Lund, Kid Kare Coordinator, if you want to register or have questions about the program at 763.682.8787. You can find more information on the Kid Kare site.

At Parkside Elementary, Kid Kare is located in classrooms 301 and 316.  Parents should enter through Door #4 (on the north side of the building) to sign their child in or pick them up. Please call the Parkside KidKare phone number with additional questions: 763.682.8746.

Families are encouraged to schedule family vacations during school holidays such as winter or spring break, and to work around testing dates whenever possible. Regular daily attendance is important to school success. 

In the event that this is not possible, the Principal’s office as well as the child’s teacher should be informed in advance of any special vacation that will cause a student's absence from the classroom.  Since teachers plan lessons according to the daily needs of their students, they are not expected to have assignments ready ahead of time. Please contact the teacher about make-up work when your child returns to school.

Per district policy, all vacations must be pre-approved by the Principal in order to be considered an excused absence.  Please submit your request to the Principal by filling out and printing the form below.  Please send the completed form to the school office at least one week prior to the start date of the absence.  In cases of excessive prior absences, the absence may not be approved as an excused absence.

Vacation Prior Approval Request

Sick child

Attendance & School Absences

Front of Parkside

Parent Drop Off and Pick Ups

Students working on computers

Parkside Testing Schedule

Parkside health office

BHM Health Services

Student at lunch

BHM Nutrition Services

School Bus

Vision of Buffalo

ESP pushing wheelchair

Special Services

Thought lightbulb

Gifted & Talented


Parkside is a school that fosters creativity for diverse learners, with deeply dedicated staff working with families to ensure the best education experience possible. Students grow by challenging themselves, learning to interact positively and reaching for academic success.  Parkside was built in 1956 as the original elementary school in Buffalo, MN, with additions being added in 1966 and 1988.  It was previously known as Buffalo Intermediate School, housing students in grades K, 4, 5 and 6. As additional schools were built in Buffalo and schools were re-organized, Parkside became a neighborhood K-5 elementary school. 

"My daughters absolutely love Parkside. When kids look forward to going to school each day, the teachers must be doing something right! I believe the faculty here goes above and beyond to ensure each student feels like they belong and that they matter."  ~Pam, parent

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