Parkside Elementary | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
Parkside staff in front of school

Parkside Elementary

Parkside CARES - For Ourselves, Others, Our Learning, Our School

Parkside News & Information

Picture Day is Thursday, September 19th!

Purchase picture packets online using our school code: PAEL2425
School supplies

School Supply Lists & Elementary Parent Handbook

Student on playground in winter

Recess & Brain Breaks

Is your child is dressed for the weather?
Students at table

School registration for 2024-25

Follow the link for more information and to print registration forms. Please contact the Parkside office with questions at 763.682.8500 or

Parkside Elementary School's mission is to build meaningful relationships to connect students, staff, families, and the community so that Parkside students will feel a positive connection, experience success, and leave with a strong foundation to build their future. We will provide children with a supportive, caring environment that fosters the development of perseverance, positive self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and a sense of responsibility. We will provide a challenging, academically rich curriculum that empowers students to be critical thinkers and future leaders.

Parkside's Core Values: We will work together to ensure everyone is seen, heard, and validated. We engage in purposeful and authentic connections. We inspire the joy of learning. We celebrate growth. 

Upcoming Events at Parkside

Grads walking
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Girl playing violin
BHM Videos
Teacher working with student
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