The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Choir students singing
BHM Schools

The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve

Smiling students

Kindergarten registration info

Award winners

Bjornson, Friesz earn Triple 'A' honors

ExCEL Award winners

Molesky, Herbst are ExCEL nominees

Students rehearse a scene from play

BCMS presents 'Kokonut High'

Award winners hold plaques

Support staff earn awards for service

Students raise hands in front of teacher

T&L Council seeks additional members

Award winners

Teachers honored for excellence

Students look at helicopter

'Scrub Club' highlights careers

Educational Choices

Personalization and innovation drive our learning.

Sky's the Limit

Small district, with big opportunities in academics, arts and athletics.

Strong Relationships

Positive student/staff relationships enhance learning.

Bison Pride

Small-town pride generates a supportive community.


10 Schools Serving Nearly 5,000 Students

BHM Schools unites the communities of Buffalo, Hanover, Montrose and surrounding townships.

Upcoming Events

Principal welcomes students to school

I’ve never met a group of people who cared so much about my kid.

Kim, BCMS Parent
Grads walking
Choose BHM?
Girl playing violin
BHM Videos
Teacher working with student
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Work at BHM