Intramurals | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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BCMS is lucky to have a full complement of co-curricular activities in which students can participate.  In keeping with our philosophy of offering students choices and opportunities to be active, once again this year, BCMS will be offering a number of intramural activities.  The difference between intramural activities and the co-curricular activities is that intramural activities will be designed to take place here at BCMS and will include only BCMS students. The goal in offering these activities is to try to give more kids an opportunity to become involved in a fun, safe, school sponsored activity.  All intramural activities will be set up strictly for fun and recreation. In past years, students were able to participate in Game Club, Art Club, Strength and Conditioning and many others, depending on student interest.  Students should pay attention to the announcements for more information.  Registration forms for all intramural activities can be found in the Activities Office.

Current Offerings:

Grads walking
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Girl playing violin
BHM Videos
Teacher working with student
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