1300 Highway 25 N
Buffalo, MN 55313
United States
Buffalo Community Middle School
School Information
Doing What's Best for Kids!
Buffalo Community Middle School is home to over 1,160 students in sixth through eighth grade. We operate under middle school philosophy offering: academic rigor, teaming, an advisory program, active curriculum, high standards for all community members, relationships that are intentionally developed between the school, parents, and the community, and support for all of our students and families. BCMS is structured into six grade level teams, for 6th and 7th grade, and six departments to create a smaller feel for students and to allow teachers to work collaboratively with students. Please feel free to contact us at anytime or stop by for a visit. We look forward to serving our students, families, and community each day!
Our Mission
Doing what's best for kids drives every decision we make at Buffalo Community Middle School. Our focus on attitude, character, compassion, courage, integrity, respect and service creates a positive, inviting environment for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders who call BCMS home.
Please use "BCMS Student Concern Reporting Form" to report any student concerns that occurred on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property, on a school bus, or on social media or through text message during the current school year.
A report may be submitted anonymously, however to help with follow up, a name and contact information is appreciated.
Buffalo Community Middle School Attendance Hotline: 763.682.8242
Health Office: Jody Bremer, Health ESP 763.682.8208
District Nurse: Sandy Vajda, LSN 763.682.8211
Regular daily attendance is important to school success. It is critical for students to have consistent attendance in order to be successful and have a positive learning experience. If your child is ill or must miss school, please call the school office/attendance line and leave a detailed message stating your name, student's name, and reason for absence. School work missed during an absence must be made up. Parents will be contacted at work or home if an absence is not reported.
Excused & Unexcused Absences
The Board of Education defines the following reasons as excused absences: illness, religious observance, death of a family member or close relative, family emergency, or a medical, dental or mental health appointment that cannot be scheduled before or after the school day. Unexcused absences, such as missing the bus, oversleeping, or those that are not acknowledged by note, or telephone call, are subject to truancy procedures. When no excuse is presented to the school, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Daily Schedule, Monday - Friday
Prime Time / WIN
1st Hour
2nd Hour
Grade 8: Lunch (11:12-11:37)
Grade 7: 3rd Hour
Grade 6: 3rd Hour
Grade 8: 3rd Hour
Grade 7: Lunch (12:09-12:34)
Grade 6: 4th Hour
Grade 8: 4th Hour
Grade 7: 4th Hour
Grade 6: Lunch (1:06-1:31)
5th Hour
6th Hour
Early Release Fridays
1st Hour
2nd Hour
3rd Hour
4th Hour
5th Hour: 11:41 - 12:18
6th Hour: 12:23 - 1
Lunch: 1 - 1:25
5th Hour: 11:41 - 12:18
Lunch: 12:18 - 12:43
6th Hour: 12:48 - 1:25
Lunch: 11:36 - 12:01
5th Hour: 12:06 - 12:43
6th Hour: 12:48 - 1:25
BCMS School Supplies

Nutrition Services

Health Services
