301 2nd Ave NE
Buffalo, MN 55313
United States
Community Education
Youth Enrichment
Youth enrichment programming includes opportunities in the areas of art, science & technology, health & safety, performing arts, and more! Most classes are scheduled after school, some evenings and weekends, and throughout the summer. To register for classes, click the Register Now button below to be directed to our registration site bhmschools.ce.eleyo.com
Summer SunBlock is our summer youth enrichment program. A variety of classes are offered Monday-Thursday in the morning. Watch for details to come in our summer catalog in May.
If you have specific questions, or would like to teach a youth enrichment class, contact Youth Enrichment Coordinator, Bridget Lindeman, at blindeman@bhmschools.org or 763.682.8733.
Youth Enrichment Coordinator
Bridget Lindeman

Arts & Crafts


Performing Arts